Join Us

How To Join

We welcome new members all year long. Please come to one of our scheduled programs, which includes a morning meeting and lunch, to mingle with our group of engaging members and to see if the Newbury Garden Club is one you would like to join. The annual membership dues are $45. Non-members may attend programs for a $10 fee plus materials cost, when applicable.

If you have any questions, or would like to attend a meeting, please email us at: Newbury Garden Club

Below is our simple application which you can fill out and submit online or you can download the form and bring it with you to a meeting or mail to the address at the bottom of the form.

We are glad that you are interested in joining us! We are an active club that meets monthly on Thursdays from March through December. Programs are held in the morning at the Newbury Public Library and are followed by a business meeting and luncheon hosted at one of our member’s homes. Fieldtrips are planned during the summer months. Every member is encouraged to join one of our various committees and all must either help prepare a luncheon or host an event at their home.

Downloadable Form: Membership Application Newbury Garden Club

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